Retreat Participation Agreement
1. Introduction
Please carefully read the legally binding contract below, make sure you understand how it applies to you, and sign to acknowledge your acceptance. This Agreement and your completed travel details form must be completed and returned to the organisers at least 1 month before the retreat date. You cannot attend the retreat without signing this Agreement, and if the organisers have not received your travel details form with sufficient time, the organisers cannot guarantee that appropriate support will be available for you.
The organisers intention in facilitating this retreat is to provide a safe and inclusive space for you to experience transformation while enjoying self-care and time away from your normal routine. The organisers’ retreats always include an element of options, with a facilitated adventure.
This retreat is run by Nao, trading as Nao Williams ABN: 79 378 245 270.
Your details as a retreat Participant are provided to the organisers in the travel details form which is to be filled out during the onboarding process. The organisers are entitled to rely on the details you provide in that form.
If you have any questions or need to contact the organisers, please email or call 0401 834 960.
If anything in this Agreement is unclear, please seek independent advice to ensure you fully understand your rights and obligations. The organisers encourage you to negotiate any clause of this Agreement which feels unfair to you.
The organisers welcome constructive feedback as an opportunity to review and improve the organisers practice. Please feel free to email the organisers to discuss any issues that arise.
2. Retreat details
All the important information about the retreat, including dates, location, price, and payment plans can be found in the links provided to you during the onboarding process.
3. Payment
All prices are in Australian dollars and include GST.
Payment is required by bank transfer or PayPal. The organisers do not have access to your credit card information.
If your payment is late, you will receive reminder notifications, and the team will reach out to see if there are extenuating circumstances. However, if your payment is not received in full by the due date, then your participation will be rescheduled to the next retreat.
All payment plans must be paid IN FULL before the retreat.
The cost of the retreat does NOT include any airfares, travel arrangements, visas, or insurance. It does include accommodation and meals, as outlined.
There is no Refund if you change your mind about participating in the retreat.
If you are unable to attend, you may choose to reschedule to the next retreat or transfer your place in the retreat to someone else up until 1 month before the retreat date.
If you are transferring your place in the retreat, it is your responsibility to notify the organisers and provide the organisers with your transferee’s contact details so that the organisers can ensure they sign this Agreement and complete the travel details form.
If you are prevented from attending the retreat due to extenuating circumstances beyond your control, such as covid or a death in the family, please notify the organisers immediately. If it is more than 1 month before the retreat, the organisers will refund your payment minus any administration costs. If the retreat is less than 1 month away, the organisers will negotiate a resolution which may include transferring your participation to a later retreat or charging an administrative fee for processing your refund. No refund will be given 2 weeks prior to the retreat, as the venue costs are not refundable from this point. The organiser will endeavour to negotiate a refund with the venue, however, cannot guarantee this will occur. The organiser stronger encourages travel insurance to cover these circumstances.
5. Communication
All-important communications will be by email, so please make sure the organisers have your best email address and the organisers email is marked as a contact. That way you are more likely to see the organizers’ messages. It is not the organisers’ responsibility if you miss any important communications sent to the email address you provided.
You will also be provided with the organisers’ contact details to be supplied to your family for use in case of emergency.
6. The Retreat Content & Structure
You can expect to receive:
You will be provided with:
- A suggested packing list.
- An information outline for all planned activities
- A welcome and closing ceremony.
- Optional adventure activity
Please be aware that we will be working in flow, seeking what serves the highest outcome for all participants. As a result, the organisers try to keep our planning flexible and adaptable, leaving room for the retreat to evolve to suit the participants. If for any reason you feel dissatisfied with your retreat experience, please let the organisers know privately, and the organisers will attempt to find a mutually satisfactory solution.
The organisers ask that all retreat Participants adopt a curious frame of mind to help us co-create an incredible connected and productive experience.
You acknowledge that the retreat is held at third party premises. Although the organisers endeavour to choose the venues carefully, the organisers have no control over, or liability for, any claims or issues with the venue.
7. Travel Arrangements
You are responsible for researching, obtaining, and maintaining a valid passport and all appropriate visas, permits, certificates, vaccinations, money in the appropriate currency and any other required documentation in respect of your participation in the retreat or further travel or sightseeing that you choose to do.
The organisers are not responsible if you are denied entry to, or exit from, any country or location due to lack of valid and appropriate travel documents.
The retreat package does not include flights, or any other travel of any kind. (The retreat does include one choice of either – travel from the airport to the venue or from the venue to the airport) You are responsible for making your own travel arrangements outside of the chosen travel support option.
8. Insurance
The organisers strongly recommend the purchase of appropriate travel insurance for the retreat.
You are solely responsible for the cost of any such travel insurance and for ensuring that you are adequately insured for the full duration of the retreat with respect to possible illness, injury, death, property damage, loss of baggage and personal items, cancellation and/or curtailment, and/or any other potential losses, damages, costs, expenses, or liabilities (collectively “Losses”).
You are solely responsible for any Losses related to your failure to procure travel insurance, and you indemnify the organisers against any and all Losses you may experience that are not directly and clearly attributable to the organisers’ negligence or that of the organisers team.
9. Accommodation
Accommodation is included in the cost of the retreat package.
Details are set out in the information provided to you during the onboarding process.
If anything about the accommodation does not meet your expectations, please bring your concerns directly to the organisers rather than complaining to staff at the venue.
10. Arrangements for Food & Meals
Three meals a day are included in the cost of the retreat package. (or detox program)
Please note that you are solely responsible for supplying your own snacks, fancy coffee and alcoholic beverages or any food and beverages outside of the program.
Prior to the retreat, you will be asked to fill out a form specifying your dietary requirements. The organisers will do the organisers’ best to ensure your dietary needs are met. However, if you have strict eating requirements, you may need to cater for yourself. The organisers will advise you of this in advance.
11. Internet Access
Wi-fi access is usually provided by the venue. If it will not be available, you will be warned well in advance.
Any costs or charges associated with your use of mobile data are entirely your own responsibility.
12. Integration & down time
There will be regular periods of free time during the day and in the evenings, please follow your heart and intuition, and feel free to do whatever you wish. We often choose to spend time together socialising, but you are free to do whatever you wish in your own time.
If you choose to go exploring at any time, please take care for your own safety. Let the organisers know where you are going before you leave, be mindful of your own safety at all times, and remember that different standards of respect for pedestrian safety may apply in foreign locations.
It is strongly recommended that if you are not attending the optional activities, you use this as integration time and prioritise rest, self-care and connection. (The organisers hope it goes without saying that going out and getting drunk will not be appreciated.)
13. Adventures & voluntary participation
Adventures provided by third-party operators are offered to enhance your retreat experience. All Adventures are entirely optional, and your participation requires a voluntary assumption of risk. (That means you have carefully considered your capacity to participate and have made an informed decision about whether the Adventure is right for you.) All Adventure participants must strictly obey the third-party’s instructions and exercise appropriate cultural sensitivity at all times.
You agree that your participation in the retreat including any optional Adventures is entirely a result of your own free will. You are aware and accept that some individuals – including you – may experience strong physical and emotional reactions. You understand that participants typically are not screened nor barred from attendance, because you are expected to take ownership of your journey, assess your own capacity for participation, monitor your own well-being and modify activities for your needs as required.
14. Cancellation by the organisers
The organisers reserve the right to cancel or reschedule the retreat prior to the start date due to unforeseeable restrictions including but not limited to; economic, weather, health, financial, conflict or similar unpredictable or dangerous conditions that amount to a force majeure or for any commercial reason at the organisers’ sole discretion.
If the organisers have to cancel the retreat under this clause, you will be transferred to the next retreat, which will be held within 12 months.
The organisers will endeavour to provide as much notice as possible if cancellation or rescheduling appears likely, and the organisers strongly recommend that you take out adequate travel insurance and satisfy yourself that it will cover any potential loss. The organisers will not be responsible for any other amount including but not limited to preparation costs, airfares, travel documents, accommodation planned for before or after the retreat or any other losses.
In the event of a natural disaster, pandemic, or other high-risk situation, safety becomes our first priority. Any failure to deliver due to circumstances beyond the organisers control will not provide grounds for a refund. The organisers will work with you to make up what we have missed at a time when it is mutually safe and convenient for us to do so. You agree that this is entirely reasonable.
15. The Organisers Responsibility
It is the organisers responsibility to:
- impart the organisers knowledge to the best of the organisers’ ability.
- create a safe, fun and memorable experience.
- provide an environment conducive to connection, and
- create for you an experience for your highest good.
The organisers will do everything they can to make sure that the retreat goes ahead as planned and that we stick to any plan that we have agreed while we are there. The organisers will try to ensure that you feel safe, comfortable and supported at all times.
The organisers’ retreats are held in hired accommodation in Australian and international locations. The organisers familiarise with the venue and its procedures in advance, and the organisers initial welcome and housekeeping presentation will include important safety information. Please ensure you listen to and understand this information and take responsibility for your own wellbeing. If you notice anything during the retreat that could create a danger for retreat participants, please let the organisers know about your concerns.
At all times, the organisers encourage you to ask questions – including before the retreat – if you have any anxiety about anything, so the organisers can assist you in making this retreat a positive experience to remember.
16. Your Responsibilities
Take care for your own well-being and safety. Allow a certain amount of flexibility. Double check that you have packed any medication you need before you leave. Have your own personal emergency plan backups, including money, contacts, and a strategy in case emergencies arise.
Set an intention to fully show up for yourself, and make sure you bring the recommended resources. Be honest about what you need and put thought into enjoying your experience.
Be a positive factor in the group, participating cheerfully with our activities. Respect the confidentiality, privacy, emotions, and safety of other participants. What is said on retreat stays on retreat!
Let’s not be rude! In particular, don’t abuse the organisers generosity by over ordering, or being disrespectful to the people who are helping to provide the retreat experience for you.
Finally, the organisers ask that you conduct your own research about the location of the retreat and ensure that you are aware of and sensitive to any local cultural requirements. Festivals and cultural celebrations may cause disruption at certain times of the year, and you are expected to be respectful and patient when navigating such events.
17. Care for yourself
Accountability and personal responsibility are essential to your wellbeing. Be mindful of your physical well-being and proactively manage your energy. If you have any concerns or problems, communicate with the organisers! The organisers do not know what is going on for you unless you tell the organisers.
Please do not take anything personally. Everyone on the retreat is on their own journey. Know that you are in a safe place and reach out for our support when you need it.
Give yourself the time you need to integrate, shift, change and embody rather than rush anything or compare your experiences to others. Please do not compare yourself to anyone else. Be patient and enjoy your unique evolution.
18. Care for retreat property
Please be respectful of the venue and its surrounding environment. All Participants must keep the retreat venue’s fixtures, fittings, furniture and effects in a clean and good condition and shall replace any articles which are destroyed or missing with articles of a similar kind and of equal value.
19. Care for your belongings
Before the retreat, the organisers will email you a general list of what to bring based on the organisers previous experience. This list is intended as a guide, and you are to use your own judgment and make informed decisions about what you will need.
The organisers are not liable for any theft, loss or damage to any of your personal belongings during the retreat. This includes any items left behind in your room or left unattended in the common areas of the retreat venue. Please take appropriate care to ensure your belongings are safe.
20. Care for other people
You are here for a collaborative community experience which involves honouring each other’s values and beliefs. When people gather together, we all come with our emotions, vulnerabilities, thoughts, stories, triggers and trauma. Please do your best to ‘hold space for each other’ and not get caught up in too much judgment. Appreciate that we are all unique and different.
The organisers ask that you aim for a neutral perspective and honour other people’s experiences, points of view and way of seeing the world. The organisers totally honour and respect each of your personal journeys. Leave your judgment at home. Rather than judge, making decisions about right or wrong, please understand that every person sees the world differently, and every person is different.
The organisers ask that you do not give unsolicited advice. Always respectfully ask for permission to share your perspective regarding someone else’s situation and speak to the organisers privately if you are concerned about their wellbeing.
Boundaries are everything on a communal retreat. Honour other people’s space and processes. Be aware of your space and other people’s space. Respect everyone’s right to take time alone to integrate and not socialise. This is not a social retreat. Please be mindful of others’ time out.
Rudeness and discourtesy will not be tolerated at the retreat. The organisers reserve the right at the organisers sole discretion to ask anyone displaying any violence, aggression or abuse of any sort to leave the retreat. The organisers’ decision in this regard is final and no further correspondence will be entered into. The organisers will not refund payment or accept any consequential liability of any kind. It is a decision the organisers will not make lightly, but the organisers take their responsibility for holding a safe space for all participants and staff very seriously.
21. Drugs, Alcohol & Smoking Policy
The retreat is strictly a drug and smoke free zone.
The organisers have a BYO policy on alcohol if needed but not encouraging as this is a wellness retreat. Only the case if you have alcohol, you consume responsibly and behave respectfully at all times.
22. Marketing and promotional activities
You must not directly promote or try to sell your services to another retreat participant during retreat activities.
Any transaction that retreat participants enter into (such as purchasing services from each other) is entirely between them, and the organisers have no role in or responsibility for such transactions.
23. Confidentiality
Throughout the retreat we will be sharing information about our personal lives that is not in the public domain, including discussing our ideas and secrets. It requires a huge amount of trust to open up to connection through intimate personal vulnerability, and that is part of the magic of being on retreat. As a result, it is an essential condition of your participation in the retreat that you respect everyone else’s confidentiality (including the organisers). Anything shared must be assumed to be private, sensitive information which must be kept confidential and not disclosed to anyone else without explicit permission.
24. Age, health & fitness of participants
This retreat is only offered to those over the age of 18, and no babies or children are permitted to accompany retreat Participants unless discussed and agreed in advance.
As a condition of participation in the retreat, you represent to the organisers that you do not suffer from any medical conditions or disabilities that may restrict, limit, prevent, or preclude your participation, including any physical activities.
You agree that you will discuss and address any questions or concerns you may have about your physical or mental health with an appropriately qualified healthcare professional prior to the start of the retreat. Documentation from your physician confirming your clearance to participate in the retreat must be provided on the organisers’ request.
If, at any time, you have any doubts about your physical condition or fitness to participate in any aspect of the retreat, you agree that you will cease participation immediately and seek appropriate medical attention.
25. Medical Treatment & Emergencies
If, in the event of a medical emergency, assistance is called on your behalf, you agree to go with the paramedics in the ambulance to any hospital they recommend.
Please remember that if we are travelling overseas, we may not have access to the same standard of health care as you enjoy at home, and that you may incur unexpected expenses, or need to change your travel plans if you become ill. As a result, the organisers strongly repeat the organisers’ encouragement that you purchase travel insurance with appropriate coverage for your needs.
We ALWAYS have a plan B for unexpected medical situations and disasters. Safety is our first priority, and if we need to enact our emergency plan, you agree to give your full cooperation. Any failure to deliver due to circumstances beyond the organisers control will not provide grounds for a refund. The organisers will work with you to make up what we have missed at a time when it is mutually safe and convenient for us to do so.
26. Photos, videos & other media release
You are welcome to take and share your own photos while on the retreat, while always being respectful of the wishes of other people who may be in the photos. Make sure you tag the organisers if you are sharing photos on social media!
The organiser will ask your permission for photos, videos and other media release within the travel and personal details form in advance.
The retreat activities and 1:1 sessions may only be recorded with the permission of everyone who is present.
The release below applies to all photographic, audio, and/or video recordings collected as part of, in connection with, or during the retreat (by the organisers or any third party authorised by the organisers).
You consent and authorise the organisers to use your name, voice, appearance, image, words and participation in whole or in part in any photos or recordings that the organisers take at the retreat with your permission, and any future materials the organisers create using them. You understand that the organisers intend to use these photos and recordings for educational, promotional and commercial purposes.
You understand that the organisers do not have any obligation to use all or any part of your participation in the retreat, and the organisers may edit any audio or visual recording of your participation at the organisers’ discretion. You give the organisers the right to reproduce, advertise, and publicise your participation in the retreat without compensation to you. You agree that the organisers shall own all rights, title and interest, including copyright, in the originals and all copies of any audio, visual, or written recordings the organisers make, in perpetuity, with full media and worldwide rights.
You further understand and grant the organisers permission to electronically display any such likeness or recording of you on the Internet or in other public settings.
You agree to waive the right to inspect or approve any and all materials in which your likeness may appear. You further waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of your likeness.
There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where materials including your likeness may be used, reproduced, displayed, exhibited, published, and/or distributed by the organisers or on the organisers’ behalf.
The organisers promise that all such recordings will be unobtrusively obtained, carefully chosen and sensitively edited to showcase the retreat experience while maintaining the safety and connection of our experience together. If you should find any use of your likeness distressing, please contact the organisers to discuss your concerns.
27. Our legal relationship
You engage the organisers to provide the retreat to you personally, and where appropriate, through the organisers’ contractors, employees and agents. Our legal relationship is that of a principal and independent contractor.
Nothing contained in this Agreement will constitute or deem the organisers (or any of the organisers contractors, employees or agents) to be your partner, employee or agent, or vice versa.
28. Intellectual Property
You acknowledge that all material that the organisers choose to share with you (including all information, names, models, exercises or processes and so on) consists of copyright, unregistered trademarks and trade secrets owned by the organisers.
Under NO circumstances are you allowed to market, promote or use any of the retreat material in any way without the organisers’ express written permission. It is provided to you for your personal use in connection with the retreat ONLY.
The organisers are providing you with access to information for the purposes of this retreat which is not in the public domain. You must not discuss or disclose the organisers confidential information to anyone not directly involved in the retreat.
All intellectual property shared with you during the retreat by the organisers remains the organisers property. Other retreat Participants retain ownership of their own intellectual property. This means that you must not share, copy, re-publish, edit or sell any content that is not your own creation for business or commercial use, or in any way without the explicit prior consent of the content creator, which they are entitled to refuse.
29. Indemnity
You agree to indemnify, defend, hold harmless, release and absolve the organisers from all liability, in all reasonable respects.
The organisers suggestions and guidance only ever provide you with options for your consideration. You are solely responsible for the choices that you make, so it is important that you stand in your power, conduct your own research, seek professional advice if you have concerns and make informed decisions about what is right for you in your individual circumstances at this time in your journey.
You understand and agree that your participation in every part of this retreat is undertaken of your own free will and desire to participate and you agree to accept full responsibility should anything happen to you, physically, mentally or emotionally under such circumstances.
You waive any claims to compensation to the full extent that might be permitted by law.
30. Limitation of Liability
You expressly agree that the organisers total cumulative liability for all causes of action of any kind shall not exceed the amount that you paid to the organisers for your attendance at the retreat.
31. Jurisdiction
The organisers’ business is based in the state of Western Australia. The validity, interpretation and performance of this retreat Agreement will be governed by the laws of Western Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.
32. Dispute Resolution
If any concerns or issues arise out of this retreat Agreement, or your participation in the retreat, come and talk to the organisers with the intention of making a genuine effort to seek a win/win solution and resolve any dispute by negotiation and discussion.
If we are unable to resolve a dispute by negotiation and discussion within 14 days, we agree to proceed to mediation with the assistance of an independent accredited mediator, seeking online dispute resolution or mediation by telephone if we are not both based within 100kms of each other.
The mediator is to be appointed by agreement between us or failing agreement within 21 days of the first notification of the dispute, the person initiating the dispute will seek the appointment of a dispute resolution professional by the President of the Law Society of Western Australia or similar neutral authority. We agree to share the costs of mediation equally between us.
We agree that neither of us will commence legal action until, in the opinion of the independent mediator, the potential for negotiation and mediation have been exhausted.
If a dispute arises, we all agree that we will not engage in any public discussion about the issues, we will behave politely towards each other, and we will avoid any conduct or communication which might reasonably be expected to be detrimental to any other person’s business or personal interests.
Regardless of where you live in the world, you irrevocably agree that if the dispute resolution processes fail, the courts of Western Australia, and the Commonwealth of Australia, will have exclusive jurisdiction.
33. General Provisions
This Agreement may be amended by negotiation between us. It is sufficient for a variation to be contained in an email exchange where we each express clear consent to the proposed changes.
It constitutes the entire Agreement between us with respect to its subject matter.
I have read and understood this Agreement and am willing to be bound by its terms.